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Customer Success Story
Hickap: Makeup Sticks Launch

During May 2023, Hickap unveiled their biggest makeup launch featuring multifunctional makeup sticks in nine different shades. The collection included a creamy yet lightweight blush and lipstick, a versatile highlighter for instant radiance, and a velvety bronzer and contour stick. In conjunction with the launch, Hickap wanted to create an inspiring and creative campaign that would capture the attention of their audience and highlight the versatility of these new products.

Planning and Strategy

Hickap sought out carefully selected UGC creators to showcase their creativity and opinions by featuring the makeup sticks in a TikTok video. These creators were chosen based on their alignment with Hickap's brand values and target audience demographics, ensuring that the content they produced would resonate authentically with viewers. Through strategic collaboration and meticulous planning, Hickap aimed to leverage the influence and reach of these creators to amplify their message and generate buzz around their new product line. By harnessing the power of user-generated content on TikTok, they aimed to spark interest, drive engagement, and ultimately increase awareness and sales of their multifunctional makeup sticks.

Delivery and results

Hickap's campaign attracted a diverse group of creators, resulting in a wide variety of content and fostering inclusivity within the creative community. By effectively disseminating knowledge about their new products to a broad audience, the campaign enhanced brand recognition, sparked customer curiosity, and laid the groundwork for potential conversions. The campaign achieved an impressive engagement rate of 8.5%, with 7 848 interactions, 119,736 views, and involvement from 14 creators and publications.

Leveraging TikTok's powerful platform and Influeri's streamlined processes, Hickap successfully generated buzz around their new product line. The engaging content created by the participating influencers resulted in thousands of likes, shares, and comments, significantly exceeding projected engagement levels. This comprehensive effort not only promoted the new products effectively but also reinforced Hickap's brand presence and captivated a wide audience, setting the stage for future growth and conversions.

7 848
119 736
Videos with various creative formats


Influeri's platform played a crucial role in this campaign by automating and simplifying many of the complex processes involved in influencer marketing. From selecting the right creators to match Hickap's brand and product ethos to collecting campaign results and managing payments, Influeri handled it all. This allowed Hickap to focus on the creative and analytical nuances of the campaign, ensuring that every aspect was tailored to maximize engagement.

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